If you are attending the conference online and presenting a conference paper or giving a keynote address please take careful note of the following instructions:
DIGITAL LOCATION. You will need to join the MS Teams room for your chosen session at the published time. The online programme will be emailed to registered delegates in advance of the event. Please note there is a separate meeting link anchored to each physical room on campus for the duration of the conference, so you need to find where the event is happening and move to the virtual stream for that space. There is also a meeting link for a social room where you can chat to other delegates or ask any questions you may have.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT. An additional 5 minutes per speaker has been scheduled to allow for resolving technical issues and we have AV support on site for the duration of the conference but if you have any concerns or want to present in an unusual format please contact darkeconomiesslides@gmail.com. We recommend where possible using the MS Teams desktop application to access all of the available features (although the audio and video stream should work absolutely fine on the mobile app and the free in-browser version of Teams).
PRESENTING. If you have slides to accompany your talk there are two ways you can share them:
You can email your PowerPoint to darkeconomiesslides@gmail.com by Tuesday 20th July and one of our Virtual Room Coordinators will display your slides. Simply call ‘next slide’ when you are ready.
You may also share your screen to the Teams meeting during your talk. This option is only recommended if you are already familiar with Teams and using the desktop application.
If you are not sharing slides during your talk you will be ‘Spotlighted’ by the room coordinator (your camera will be made the primary video stream).
VIDEO AND AUDIO. If you have video and audio clips to play we strongly encourage not to try and share this material through Teams as it often causes issues at scale. We would prefer it if you set up a streaming link to your audio/video file (for example a Youtube link) and direct the audience to it at the appropriate moment, at which point the virtual room coordinator will play the clip in the room and online delegates can follow the link. If you plan to use video or audio clips or if you have any questions please will you contact darkeconomiesslides@gmail.com in advance of the conference.