Research and Publication Award Opportunity

Research and Publication Award Opportunity: Supernatural Cities Project and Revenant Journal

We are delighted to announce a £500 research award competitively available to PGR/ECR scholars to edit a special issue on Supernatural Cities for the journal Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural. The Supernatural Cities project, led by Dr Karl Bell, is based at the University of Portsmouth and is offering a one-off £500 award for research costs involved with editing a special issue of Revenant which will be titled ‘Supernatural Cities’. Revenant is a peer-reviewed e-journal edited by Dr Ruth Heholt and based at Falmouth University.  

The research award can be used to cover the costs of travel, research materials and resources, to support archive research (including subscription or access to online archives), or for time spent on the issue. We invite proposals (with basic costs) which will outline the vision you have for the issue, where you will look for articles and reviews, and what type of creative work you will be soliciting. Send proposals and CVs as attachments to and by Friday 2nd July 2021. We will announce the winner at the Dark Economies Conference to be held at Falmouth University, 21-23 July 2021.

Further Details

  • The aim of the research award is to promote scholarship and leadership by junior researchers, from registered postgraduate research students to early career post-doctoral researchers (up to six years after their viva). The award is open to individuals with a university affiliation and those operating as independent researchers.
  • We strongly encourage applicants to read past issues of Revenant to gain an understanding of the nature, range, and structure of the journal. We also encourage applicants to examine the Supernatural Cities website to develop an appreciation of the project’s scope, interests, and activities. Please see the links above.
  • Both the Supernatural Cities project and Revenant are committed to multidisciplinary research, diversity, and to scholarly and creative approaches to the subject matter. We invite proposals from a range of scholarly disciplines, including (but certainly not limited to) History, Literature, History of Art, Folklore, Geography, Archaeology, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Urban Studies, Game Design, and Film Studies. We also invite proposals from creative practitioners ranging from fiction writers and traditional visual artists to film makers and audio artists. 
  • The proposal (with basic costings) should be a maximum of two sides of A4. The CV should also be no longer than two sides of A4.
  • We will accept co-edited special issue proposals, but this will require the proposers to divide the research award accordingly.
  • The winner of the research award will be expected to contribute a guest blog about their research to the Supernatural Cities website.
  • The judges reserve the right to not award a prize if submitted material is not of an appropriate standard. The decision of the judges will be final. The judges for the award will be constituted from members of the Supernatural Cities project team and the editorial board of Revenant

If you have any queries about the research award and the Revenant special issue proposal, please contact Dr Karl Bell and Dr Ruth Heholt via the email addresses above.